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First Church of Lucedale is a church where persons are experiencing the transforming power of God's Spirit. Vital worship is the center of our existence. In worship we are praising, giving thanks, and offering ourselves in living sacrifice to God.  All people are welcomed and encouraged to respond to God at work in their lives.


We invite you to join us in worshiping the Living Christ!


Worship Opportunities


Sunday Worship Schedule


Contemporary Worship at 8:30 am

The Bridge Praise Band


Traditional Worship at 11:00 am


Evening Worship at 6:00 pm


Wednesday Small Group Bible Studies


6:00 pm - Ruth, Brave, Christian Believers, The Study of Luke, Jr. & Sr. High Youth, Children, & Nursery


Praise & Prayer


6:00 am Thursday



Jesus said, "Go and make disciples of all nations...." Matthew 28:19


There are many opportunities to serve God and our brothers and sisters through our local, national, or international missions.  God gives each of us the authority and the gifts to use to help fulfill the Great Commission. Go and serve the Lord our God.


If you feel led to serve and would like more information on any of the missions below, please contact the church office at 601-947-8132.





First Church of Lucedale provides financial support to Will and Ella Faircloth, missionaries serving the Methodist Church of Costa Rica since 2004.  Since 2009, we have sent a team of servants from our church to help with construction of the Methodist Children's Home and to share the love of Jesus Christ through Bible school meetings in different churches.



Local Missions Food Pantry


Each Tuesday from 9:00 a.m.  - 11:00 p.m., our doors are open to interview, provide food, and counseling to needy families in our community.


Angel Tree


Each Advent we encourage individuals, families, classes, and business to adopt a child's Christmas list. Participants shop and pay for their "angel." This is likely the only gifts the child will receive.


Doorstep Visitors


Each week our visitors receive information about our church on their doorstep by dedicated members of our congregation. If you would like to be a Doorstep visitor, please call the church office at 601-947-8132.

Costa Rico Missions 

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