Horarios de servicio
Servicio dominical contemporáneo 8:30 a.m.
Servicio tradicional dominical 11 a.m
Acerca de nuestra iglesia
Primera Iglesia de Lucedale
Desde noviembre de 1899, cuando un cuerpo de creyentes comenzó un ministerio cristiano hoy conocido como Primera Iglesia de Lucedale, se ha proporcionado un lugar de culto para los buscadores de Dios.
Nuestra misión es buscar al Señor ya los perdidos. Esto implica una fuerte relación personal para que podamos llegar a aquellos que necesitan un Salvador. El discipulado es el enfoque del ministerio para aquellos que se vuelven parte de la familia de nuestra iglesia. Es importante que la Palabra esté en el centro de nuestra enseñanza, ya que los creyentes tienen comunión, estudian, aprenden y crecen juntos en un entorno de grupo pequeño, asà como en la adoración colectiva. A medida que nos nutrimos, nos convertimos en personas que luego están equipadas para servir y ministrar a nuestros vecinos, recordando que el mundo es nuestra parroquia.
Como una congregación solidaria, compartida y centrada en la Palabra, lo invitamos a experimentar el amor y el compañerismo del maravilloso pueblo de Dios.
Pastor Rev. David Newton
I consider myself blessed beyond words to serve as a minister in Christ’s Church! After graduating from Georgia State University with a BBA in Marketing I worked for FedEx for just over a year prior to enrolling and graduating from The Candler School of Theology at Emory University with a Master of Divinity. I have a passion for seeing those without Christ to join believers and grow in discipleship as the Holy Spirit of God dwells within. For the past twenty years I have served as a missionary with the Methodist Church of Nicaragua in addition to domestic missions. Service beyond the local church includes involvement with the Lucedale Rotary and the George County Long Term Recovery Committee (Disaster Response). My wife Amanda is a native of Missouri and has served as a Christian Education Director at a congregation, the GulfCoast Marine Lab as an instructor and author of a Coral Reef Curriculum. She has home schooled each of our children with an emphasis on imparting the faith handed down to us. Amanda designed a course of study to fit each child and made sure they had a firm foundation in music. Our eldest son, Wesley, is a public defender for Maricopa County, Arkansas. Natalie is employed with Freddie Mac and lives in the Washington, D.C. area. Mimi lives in Gautier and is the parent of our first grandchild. Lydia is in a Master's program in the Eastman School of Music at Rochester, NY., John, age 18, has a interest in natural sciences and anything outdoors unless playing guitar. My hobbies and interest include music, outdoor activities and reading good books. I look forward to serving Christ with you, reaching those without hope and nurturing members from the cradle throughout life as followers. Rev. David Newton

Primera Iglesia de Lucedale
PAGAstor Rev. David Newton
Directora juvenil Annie Hillman
Pastora de niños Chrissy Jordan
Directora musical Donna Bragg
Pianista Patricia Henderson
Director de despensa de alimentos DeWanta Platt
Directora de la guarderÃa Sue Brown
Missy supervisora de guarderÃaRopa blanca
Secretaria de la Iglesia Marilyn Massey
Administradora financiera Melissa Havard
Custodio Mike Henderson